Can you believe we’ve already reached the end of January? If you’ve given up on your New Year’s resolutions, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Although 40% of Americans set goals during the first month of the year, less than half follow through after six months. If you’re looking to pick up the slack, we have some real estate resolutions that you’ll actually want to keep…especially if you’re thinking about buying or selling your home.
Check Your Home’s Value

Do you know how much your home is worth? Unless you have plenty of real estate experience under your belt, it can be hard to value your property yourself. Consider enlisting a real estate professional to see where you stand—many even offer a complete home valuation at no cost to you.
Complete Lingering Repairs

If you’re getting ready to sell, you’ll need to get your home looking its best. After all, buyers are going to be scrutinizing every little detail! If you want to catch any lingering repairs ahead of time, consider having a pre-listing home inspection. Your inspector will detail any fixes that should be made, and you might even be able to do them yourself.
Do Your Research

So many buyers and sellers are uninformed about the real estate process…and we don’t blame them! There’s a lot to learn, especially if you don’t have any experience in a market as hot as the Triangle’s. Luckily, the internet has a wealth of information to help put you at ease. You can also turn to your local agent—they’ll know the ins and outs of the area and guide you on the path to success.
Save for a Down Payment

Many would-be homeowners feel like they can’t save for a down payment—but it’s actually easier than you might think. Traditionally, buyers put down around 20% on a home. However, there are actually a lot of different loan options available to you…and some require as little as 0% down. As you begin to put money away for your new home, consider contributing a fixed amount to a savings account each month. It’ll take a while, but it’s well worth it in the end.
Declutter & Reorganize

Even if you aren’t listing any time soon, reorganizing your space can have a pretty positive impact on your life. Consider picking up Marie Kondo’s famous book if you’re looking for some pointers, or just go room by room to assess the amount of stuff you really have. If you declutter in increments, your home will be ready to sell in no time—and it’ll feel so much bigger!
Create a Plan of Action

When it comes to tackling a big goal, it’s best to set a lot of smaller ones along the way. Instead of saying you want to buy or sell, consider creating a plan of action that includes all the steps you need to accomplish your big aspirations. This makes your resolution much easier to keep—and we already have a few buying steps to get you started.
Ramp Up Your Real Estate Resolutions!
Are you getting ready to buy or sell in 2020? The Price Residential Group is excited to help you tackle all of your real estate resolutions, and we promise to be by your side every step of the way. Just reach out to us with any questions—we’re always here to chat!